teen fiction can be explicit at times, but it gives guidance to children, when
they are going through certain situations. Young adult books over the years,
have been banned for its use of sex, drugs, violence, and anti- religious
themes. But, we think that by reading teen fiction, it could help children
avoid certain issues in the future. We believe that the idea of banning books
is ridiculous, because by reading young adult books, it makes teenagers feel
like they are not alone.
instance in the article, “ Yes, teen fiction can be dark- but it shows
teenagers they aren’t alone,” written by Maureen Johnson talks about the idea
about how young adult books are created as a guide to teens to show them how
certain choices will then affect you for the rest of their lives. For example
its states, “there is sometimes no message more critical than: you are not
alone. This has happened before.” What Johnson is trying to say is that, it’s
easier for kids to relate to a book, because it makes children feel like they
have a guide to growing up. This is because, most children feel like it’s much
easier to read a book about something there going through, compared to asking
an adult and explaining the situation to them about it. In in my opinion books
change kids’ lives, and if we don’t get to read certain books those lives will
be in danger.
article titled “A teenage guide to stress”, written by Nicola Morgan discuss
how reading for pleasure can help take your mind off things you’re worried
about. For instance she states, “People who read books for pleasure report that
it relaxes them and allows them to switch off their worries.” I believe that
the author is trying to say that by reading any book you want for pleasure it
will keep your mind off of things. For instance by banning books that kids
enjoy, teenagers will be more stressed out about life, because they don’t have
a book they enjoy to take their mind off their worries. Also the article points
out that if you read every day for pleasure, you will end up getting higher
test scores. So if you read for pleasure you will end up benefiting in many
different categories of your life.
some may argue that by banning books we are saving our youth from sex, drugs,
violence, and mortality. But in reality, we end up sheltering our youth from
what really goes on. For instance, recently an article has been published in
Vanity Fair discussing how the book The
Fault in Our Stars, written by John Green has been banned in some schools.
The reason why it was banned was because, some parents felt like children our
age should not be reading books about mortality. In the article Green comments
on the debate by saying, “I guess I am both happy and sad. I am happy because
apparently young people in Riverside, California will never witness or
experience mortality since they won’t be reading my book, which is great for
them. But I am also sad because I was really hoping I would be able to
introduce the idea that human beings die to the children of Riversdale,
California and thereby crush their dreams of immortality.” I agree with the
parents of Riversdale, California because I feel that children our age should
not be worrying about mortality. In reality without these young adult books,
teenagers would be very lost and confused on what to do in certain situations
fiction can be dark, but these texts provide guidance to children, when they
need it in certain situations. Without Young Adult books, teenagers would end
up being stressed, and they would also feel alone on the problems they are
facing. This is because Teen books act as a guide to children so that they will
know how to handle these situations as they come up.
Sarah Pisano 808